Saturday, March 3, 2012

Lord, Remind Me

Lord, please remind me at all times that Your ways are higher than mine and that I may not always understand Your way of doing things. Help me to trust in all Your ways for they are the best and only way to truly prosper my life. Teach me to rest in You where I will gain strength to dance to soar.

Lord, I truly thank You for you take care of me in every aspect of my life including all my dreams and desires. Remind me to inhale deeply when I’m in Your presence just as I would inhale the beauty of a flower. 
Let Your smell~~Your essence fill the inner most part of my being~~let it dig into the crevices of every hidden and what I consider undesirable places until I am transformed into what You already know me to be. In this place of intimate receiving is where Your strength fills and heals me. 
Thank you for continually transforming me into Your image until I know as I am fully know until living waters of Your essence flow as living waters on a moment by moment basis from my life. I breathe You in.

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