Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lacking Confidence

How many times do we keep from being the woman God had intended for us to be because of our lack of confidence? We stop believing in our abilities and allow fear to master our thoughts. Fear is an emotional virus that usually beings with the way you think about yourself...Allowing fear to override your mind stops you from reaching your true potential that God has planned for you. Fear keeps us in our comfort zone and when something new or different arises, we tend to panic.

Without confidence we never experience true peace and joy in our lives. The enemy loves whispering thoughts of self-hatred, rejection, fear of failure in our head to keeps us in bondage....Remember that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Each of them had to press forward into the unknown. Many successful people had to try and try again before obtaining success. It's not how many times you get knocked down, but how you get back up that defines you. Stepping out in faith doesn't mean the fear will leave you, it means that you will preserve to move forward until you accomplish what God has intended. It's never too late to get back up again. Don't live your life never knowing if you might have been....

Make a decision today that you will live boldly and confidently knowing that God is on your side cheering you all the way.

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