Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Believe It, Receive It & Achieve It

We live at a unique time in history, and God has placed each one of us in a unique position. The opportunities for Christian women today are immense, and it’s time for women to arise. Young or old, whatever your race, whatever your upbringing or background, whatever your ability, whatever your present circumstances, the Lord Jesus Christ wants to raise you up, equip you, and release you to advance His Kingdom, in preparation for His return. God does not always choose the most likely, or the most talented to bring blessing to the body of Christ.

So where are the Deborah’s and Esther’s? – The women who are prepared to make a difference in our generation? They are here! You are a, potential leader like Deborah, intercessor like Esther, prophet like Huldah, Godly mother like Mary, Godly grandmother like Naomi, evangelist like the Samaritan woman at the well, a person with a servant heart like Phoebe, or a Christian business-woman like Lydia. I could go on and on, yet the truth is that God has designed your ministry just for you, although it will have similar qualities to these women of the Bible. Whatever place you are in now, whether you know the Ministry that God has called you into, or you are still uncertain, whether you are functioning in your ministry, or are wondering how to get started, or even if you are still running in the opposite direction like Jonah, God wants to speak to you and move you forward.


Are you prepared to allow God to speak to you and show you the ministry He has prepared for you? The word minister means servant God is preparing us for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be build up.

Your ministry is like a seed, full of growth potential . He wants to call you, enable to recognize that call, and equip you so that you can function well, and grow. Remember Esther was a young woman who recognized the call of God on her life, there has never been a better time for us to arise, as Deborah’s, Esther’s, etc. etc. God wants to speak to you, He is building His Kingdom, and the doors are opening. Arise! Arise! Arise! for “Yet who knows that you have come to the Kingdom, for such a time as this!” {Esther 4:14}

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