Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Mother's Instinct

People say the most dangerous place to stand is between a mother and her child. A mother’s instinct can turn perfectly sane woman into erratic and hysterical fighters with super hero strength and ability. Mothers are able to do anything in effort to protect or provide for their children often against all odds and all the while maintaining a silent river of feeling that runs smoothly between them and their child.

A mothers instinct is no doubt a compass that enables a child to remain safe and a mother to remain able to protect, love and nurture like no one else can. Probably one of the most endearing and loving qualities of a mothers instinct is that it often transcends their own children and is able to reach all children in need. motherhood is not just about having kids – but about taking care of, loving and nurturing life in a way that only a mom can.

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