Monday, March 25, 2013

My Journey To Christ

Every now and then, God reveals a truth to me in such a way that I feel like I have to write about it. These are my little “Aha!” moments as a Christian woman and my journey with Christ. I hope that reading them will somehow help you in your walks of faith as well.

I have been in church for over 10 years of my life. In spite of that fact, I was taught and believed God being Creator, Savior and Lord. However, knowing these things to be true in my head vs believing and living this out is something entirely different. I believe we all have a sense that God is real, whether or not we are believers in Jesus Christ. However, despite the truth about God that I had been exposed to in my mid 30's, I still chose to go my own way…choosing my plans for my life, my goals and my desires…not ever really considering God’s purpose for my life. This continued for many years. I went to church, but I wasn't truly “sold out” for the LORD. The last few years have been a tremendous time of growth for me personally and spiritually. I believe that I met a man named Jesus years ago…he was a passerby that I took notice of, listened to his plan for salvation and took him up on it…occasionally I would talk to him, was interested in what he said, but many times, I would lose interest. Not because He wasn't interesting, but because I wasn't ready to yield my life to Him and what He wanted. I wanted to reserve my RIGHT to choose whatever I wanted.

However, in the last couple of years I've done more than just glance at Jesus and half-heartedly listen to Him, I finally chose the greater thing…to sit as His feet and take Him in. For He promises in Revelation 3:20 – Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him/her, and he/her with me. You see, I finally discovered that Jesus had been waiting patiently for me to say, “Come in Father, I want to know all about You” In doing so, I've discovered a joy that I have never known, a peace that surpasses all understanding, a boldness I never knew (hard to believe if you have known me a long time ) and yet a gentleness and compassion that can only come from the touch of a loving Savior.

I have discovered that God’s Word is FULL of promises and that because of choosing my own way or believing what others told me was true about the bible (taking someone else’s word for it) I have missed out on TREMENDOUS blessing and lived in defeat unnecessarily!! As my love for the LORD has grown, my worship of Him has deepened! I can’t help but express my gratitude for what He’s done in my life…for allowing me to see things clearly – with spiritual eyes – for teaching me new things about Himself and about who I am in Him – I will forever be grateful and I long for heaven when I can spend eternity in worship before His throne. And yet, there’s still so much more to do and be discovered…so much to learn and yet the journey is just beginning.

Moriah Peters-I Choose Jesus(Lyrics on screen)

Written by Maribel Castillo

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