Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fabulous at Fifty

Fabulous at Fifty  ....

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”    Proverbs 31:30
Ladies, do you understand that you were fearfully and wonderfully made by God? You are loved lavishly and accepted by Him, and He has appraised you with a worth which exceeds by far, that of rubies!
I have a picture of a very attractive, sophisticated “mature” woman in her dining room  She is posing in front of her fabulous birthday cake and is wearing a huge smile and it says: “Honey, you couldn’t pay me to be twenty, again!”   I am by far a much better woman today than I was in my twenties. I also have so much more to contribute at this point of my life.   Fifty years may seem like a long journey...but it is nothing compared to what I have left to conquer for Christ. I have a promise from God that if I continue to pursue His Kingdom, even in my old age I will continue to bear fruit.
What I have learned in these 50 years of my life…
  • That true happiness and fulfillment cannot come through anything or anyone other than through a relationship with your Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ.
  • That your past does not determine your future.
  • That faith can move mountains.
  • That God answer prayers.
  • That our words are extremely powerful.
  • That you should love everyone but only share your dreams, your vision and your heart, with certain people.
  • That if you give Him time, God can really work out anything for good.
  • That time does not heal wounds but His love does.
  • That sometimes the worst thing that can happen to you is to get your way.
  • That to truly live a life with passion you need to use the “gifts’ you’ve been given.
  • That everything in life is subject to change, except for God and His Word.
  • That God’s grace can carry you through the most difficult of times.
  • That no matter how much you cry today, joy is just around the corner.
  • That you are never too old to dance, fall in-love, or laugh out loud!
  • That it is not the age or the beauty of a woman that makes her desirable but her soul and how she sees herself!
I am now walking in this new fabulous journey, knowing that at whatever moment or season things will change but I understand that I serve a God who does not change but his methods do and those changes will make me become a better woman to serve Him and also to serve others.  
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. Proverbs 31:25

Happy Birthday (Disco Version)

Written by Maribel O'Neill Castillo 

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