times in the desert and wilderness places of our journey’s there are
many circumstances that just don’t make sense. And often the battle
within our being is wrestling with the question, “Where is God?” Well, I
have to say over the past 2 plus years of my desert journey this has
been a frequent battleground with the enemy. Satan maneuvers to tempt me
to agree with him that My God has abandoned
me, that God has left me alone in this place. It was an every day
struggle. And to my mind and my flesh, it really did feel that way.
However, I’ve learned those feelings become the enemy’s scheme of
deception. His lies got me to thinking it was all me, but it wasn't! It
was him tempting me to agree with him so that he can take me captive to
his lies and I refuse to surrender to my enemy...
One common
battle that comes along with this desert journey is a lonely isolation
that I normally would not embrace. You see I am a people person, love
the interaction, and the life that comes from fellowship, especially
with my family and extended church family. Another thought that surfaces
is the different times where I discover the emptiness of many of my
efforts. After many attempts of taking what appeared to be the right
path, I suddenly discover at some point that I am simply spinning my
wheels and fighting God’s direction, getting nowhere. This experience
happened a number of times until I came to the realization that there
was something My God was trying to say to me here.
There were a lot of areas in my life that I needed to work on, repent of and ask for
forgiveness. This journey has helped me to do just that. The Lord
really helped me by showing me through scripture that I can overcome
shame that was hidden away inside of me, and how to break those
strongholds in my life in order to find true peace. I have learned
through this season, with the tools which are; the Word of God, fasting,
praying and spending time with God in my secret place how to deal with
many situations and I must say, I have received such peace by putting
God first to my everyday life. Anxiety, despair and hopelessness which
kept me in bondage, has become a thing of the past. The Lord has helped
me to discover the “TRUE TREASURES” in life. My faith has increased. My
love for God and others have increased as I have learned how important
the four cornerstones are. I am an over-comer. I am victorious. I am a
princess. I am His beloved. I am His Bride! I have become a Woman of
I know my journey is not over, there is much more that
my Heavenly God has to take me through but for now, I have embraced my
desert season and Thank God that HE never left me nor forsaken
me.......So My Friend.....whatever battlefield or desert you find
yourself in this moment always know that our Father in Heaven is with
you, for he has promised He will never leave you or forsake you. This my
friend is the truth that sets us free!!
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